November 2015: Tips, eNews, and More!
For your convenience we will be open during the December holiday season except for December 25th, December 28th, and January 1st when we will be closed.
Please be aware that if you have dental insurance benefits, many dental plans expire for 2015 at the end of December.
If you have unused dental benefits and would like a check-up, cleaning, or require other dental treatments, please let us know as soon as possible so we can schedule the appropriate appointments. Click here to request an appointment.
From all of us, we want to wish you a Happy Holiday Season!
Dr. Stephen Kay, Dr. Melvyn Kay, and the Kaydental Team
How Smoking Affects Your Teeth
The effects of smoking have been the focus of health campaigns for many years now. Campaigns often focus on the lung and heart problems linked to smoking. Our team would like to offer you oral health related reasons to turn your back on tobacco.
While the effects of tobacco use on your heart and lungs may be hidden from public view, the effects on your oral health are often as clear as the smile on your face. Smoking contributes to many dental problems.
- Smoking increases the risk of oral cancer, which can progresses rapidly and can be deadly if not diagnosed and treated early.
- Smoking also increases the risk of gum disease, one of the leading causes of adult tooth decay and loss.
- Smoking tends to delay healing after oral surgery.
- Smoking damages gum tissue, causing receding gums, temperature sensitivity and eventual tooth loss.
- Smoking can cause bad breath.
Not inhaling does not reduce the risk of dental problems. The toxins in cigarettes and cigars increase the risk of oral cancer and gum disease. Even 'smokeless' tobaccos contain these toxins.
Quitting, or not starting, smoking is the only answer. Talk to Dr. Kay about getting help!
Healthy One Pot Meals
There's just something so great about getting cozy with a warm bowl of soup or stew as the season turns colder. The best part is how easy it is to make these one-pot meals - in fact, it is easier than preparing your average dinner at home, which usually involves preparing multiple recipes to get a balanced meal.
Click here for the full recipe!