We hope you enjoyed the holidays and that 2017 is off to a positive start for you and your family. Around this time of year we're all striving to make positive changes in our lives by adhering to a New Years Resolution, but how often do we stick to them? How often does anyone achieve their New Years goals?
Did you know that last year...
- 60% of adults say they'll make a resolution but only 40% follow through in setting their goal.
- Just 8% of people achieved their resolution.
- 39% of those who were successful are in their twenties, while 14% are over the age of fifty.
- 47% of resolutions were related to education and 38% were related to weight.
- 75% of people stick to their resolution for the first week and 64% make it one month.
- The most important resolution was to see your dentist for an annual checkup.
Okay, we made that last one up, but now that you mention it click here to schedule an appointment.
Wishing you all the best this new year,